
Have You Ever?

Have you even been in that place where you REALLY want to take a leap with an idea, but you've done EXTENSIVE research and based on that you still feel unsure about going for it?  What to do....what to DO?! I feel like there is a funky area between all of the gathering of information (number crunching) and being willing to take a risk.

I have been in that place as of late. I have approached this in a completely different way than I usually do, which is to totally fly by the seat of my pants. There has been pausing, percolating and waiting followed by little bursts of action. And then repeat. After a while of having no ideas and lacking inspiration, it is delightful to run with an idea and explore all of the possibilities. I have felt a new energy that I didn't know could exist with caring for my little one.

But I also believe that if it isn't the right time act on one idea, there will be more where that came from. Maybe not instantly, but ideas and dreams can absolutely be the spark of the next right thing. It can be so hard to let go though, to wait and make room to be inspired for the next dream.

At this time I stay at home full-time with our son Graeme (who is almost 11 months), which is SUCH a privilege and honor for me. I honestly never thought this would have been possible. When I was 7 months pregnant, the advertising agency I worked for closed it's doors, and we made the decision to just see how things played out after having Graeme. It has been wonderful, sweet, scary, isolating and beautiful as a whole. I am so grateful to be given this time.

However, I do find myself seeking something that can fit into my life that fuels my creative spirit, provides something for my family and allows for flexibility as I want to continue to be at home with my sweet boy most of the time. Sometimes I think I am asking for too much, but my wiser self assures me otherwise. I want to shake things up a little bit.

More to be revealed here for me!